HEA Athletics Association

The HEA Athletics Association is under Newton Home Educators Association, therefore you must be a member of HEA in order to participate in any sport. In addition to the HEA membership dues, each sport has registration fees that help cover expenses such as gym rental fees, officiating, tournament/meet fees, uniform costs, etc. As an HEA member participating in Panther Athletics, you can decide whether you want to also participate in the weekly coop classes or not.


#1 – Become an HEA Member

Click here to go to the HEA Membership page where you can download the HEA Membership forms, as well as the Statement of Faith, Code of Conduct, and HEA Family Handbook. Send your HEA membership form and payment to the HEA Treasurer listed on the form.

#2 – Read the HEA Athletic Association Handbook

Click here to download the HEA-Athletic Association Handbook.

#3 – Download HEA Athletic Association Registration Forms

Click the buttons below to download the registration forms. Send registration forms and payment to the HEA-AA Treasurer listed on the form.

Panthers Sports Calendar

What We Offer

Currently we offer sports for grades 5 and up:

Volleyball – Girls

Cross Country – Girls and Boys

Basketball – Girls and Boys

Sports Banquet

Each year ends with a Sports Banquet where all the players and coaches are recognized and awards are given. The evening ends by watching a wonderful video compiled by a Panther mom highlighting the whole year of athletics.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” – 2 Timothy 4:7