Our History

We began in the 1980’s.  The privilege of homeschooling in this area was won through the sacrifice of two families who went to court and were awarded the “right” for those of us who followed.  In the 90’s our group was loosely organized into A and B groups according to student’s ages.  Our classes have been held in many places, such as the Newton Rec. Center, the 200 block of South Main and Hillcrest Community Church before moving to Meridian Baptist Church in 2007.  In 2012, another group formed offering support for public/charter school members.  Until that time HEA was the only Co-op in this area.

Our Purpose

We want to encourage and support you and your child(ren) as you lead and teach them at home.  We strive to do that through group classes, field trips, athletics, Bible studies, a lending library, service projects and picnics.

Statement of Faith

1. We believe the Bible to be the only fully inspired, infallible, inerrant and authoritative written Word of God.

2.  We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3.  We believe in the full deity and full humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in his virgin birth, in his sinless life, in his miracles, in his vicarious, substitutionary atonement through his shed blood, in his bodily resurrection, in his ascension to the right hand of God the Father and in his personal return in power and glory. 

4. We believe in that the human race is fallen in Adam and that salvation comes only through Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection.  It is by faith alone and not dependent upon our good works. 

5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit who enable us to live a godly life by dwelling in us.

6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost.  The saved to eternal glory with God; the lost to eternal damnation.

7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.  We believe that all disciples are called to attend, worship and serve Him in a local congregation or fellowship that is part of His Body, the Church.

8. We believe that man was created in the image of God, and that, from the moment of conception, has the right to live that life to the glory of God.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about HEA membership, feel free to send us an email at: info@newtonhea.org.